Business Expenses You Can Reduce or Eliminate to Save Thousands

Business expenses to cut down

Businesses are supposed to make money. So why do small business owners waste money on things they don’t need? Reducing expenses can be tricky, though. How can you tell which expenses are necessary and which ones aren’t? Necessary expenses either make you money or differentiate your business from the competition. If you pay a lot […]


Ideas are Great. Execution is the Best.

Ideas are great

I was recently talking with a close friend of mine. She is one of the original six architects in what is now a firm with 50 architects. She was recently nominated for a national award for one of her restaurant designs. She is an extremely talented creative thinker. She mentioned that creative and fun were […]


Entrepreneurs Secrets To Staying Focused

Staying focused

Being able to stay focused as a person, can influence a lot of things in your life. But, it’s okay if you don’t know how to… Just relax and read through… Create time blocks: You can achieve this by breaking your workload down into smaller bits. Take it one step at a time: Pick something that you […]


Rejection Is Part of Entrepreneurship. Here’s How to Handle It.


If you are taking action on accomplishing your goals, you will experience rejection constantly. If you aren’t, you have to ask yourself if you’re taking big enough steps. Growth happens when you step outside of your comfort zone to do the things that scare you. In that place, rejection is possible. Here are four things to […]