Outstanding Attributes Management Look Out For In An Employee During Recruitment


Most job applicants wish to know the secret behind winning the hiring executives over but it is not easy. When recruiting, there are certain traits employers look out for in ideal job seekers. It is necessary that employees gain these attributes as we continue in our careers and during job search.

The truth is there are skills, values, and attributes that will make an employer want to hire you, and sometimes it can be difficult for you to understand what they really want.

To survive this stage, the first thing you should teach yourself is that no job applicant is perfect. We strive to improve and display consistency in our daily lives. With all this in mind, recruiters and human resource teams will give higher priority to job seekers who exhibit the following attributes.


Employees should understand that communication is beyond talking! Communication is the ability to communicate clearly and effectively in many mediums: by email, verbally, with lists and phone messages, on the phone, and with body language. Communication also includes listening skills, let’s be truthful listening is tough especially when you have to listen to long talks from recruiters about what does not necessarily concern you. Moreover, if you listen well, then you will be able to ask questions that are more perceptive. Communication also includes the ability to follow directions and provide feedback.

Most of the time this is the first attributes recruiters look out for. As an HR personnel, I am constantly looking at client job descriptions that state that candidates must have “excellent communication skills.” I have gotten so used to it because it is a critical skill area.


A few years ago, I came across a hiring manager who told me that most of his interview session favours applicants who asks question, according to him he said it shows their willingness to learn. Hiring Executives look for applicants who are ready to learn new things, employees should try as much as possible not to leave the interview without asking the recruiter a question, it aids the chances of showing your learning abilities, however, this is no room to ask an irrelevant question.

What is it that you have learned recently? What do you want to learn in the future? These are the kinds of questions that employers ask, and the answers are important enough to be among top attributes for the winning hire.



Recruiters are likely to hire job seeker who works well with others. Try and excel in any team challenges they put you through. Working well within a team makes it easier for the organization to meet its goals and objectives. Teamwork makes for better decision making in addition to better employee output.

Most of our time are spent in the work area, therefore any managers like to have people working with them and for them who can get along with their colleagues and who can work with others effectively in different circumstances.

Prepare yourself for questions like this as it regularly comes up in job interviews “Have you worked in a successful team-based environment? How have you contributed to the team’s success? What have you learned about teams in the workplace?”Top of Form


If you don’t believe in yourself, no one will. I hear applicants worrying that if they show too much confidence, employers will think they are arrogant. The reality is people want to know what you know for sure and what you don’t. Having the confidence to say “I don’t know” is a powerful skill.

You also need to be able to sell yourself by having a clear knowledge on what your strengths are and what complementary strengths you need from others. This includes understanding others and learning how best to utilize their strengths.


Companies love hiring employees who can make tough decisions. These are the people who can quickly and efficiently analyze options, potential outcomes, and pitfalls of a situation and make a firm call. They are the opposite of “wishy-washy.” Companies are looking for people who are motivated to take on challenges with minimal direction. Employees should see when something needs to be done and react accordingly.


Without honesty and integrity, the other five qualities listed mean nothing. Affirming the old adage, 91.4% of hiring managers think that honesty is really the best policy. Employers want accurate and timely information regarding their business and their employee. In case you made a mistake, do not cover it up, admit it.

When you are being interviewed or after you have gotten the job, you will be expected to act as a professional and find a way to get the work done fast, it does not however mean that you get the job done in a dishonest or foul manner. It is important that you respond to the question asked by the hiring manager honestly.

In addition to this, you must never attach false data to your cover letter or resume/CV because that cannot only make you lose the job but also lose the trust of the hiring manager. Candidates who are honest and have strong moral principles are preferred by job seekers.

In conclusion, although there are many other values and attributes that an ideal job seeker must possess but applicants with the above listed outstanding attributes are most likely preferred by employers.


Kay Kofoshi / July 27, 2020

Thumbs up. Honest is very sacrosanct and it isn’t always the easiest thing but the right thing to do anywhere we find ourselves in as superior or subordinate

Funmilola / July 27, 2020

Nicely written

Ibk / July 27, 2020

Spot on!!!👍👍


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