Ideas are Great. Execution is the Best.

Ideas are great

I was recently talking with a close friend of mine. She is one of the original six architects in what is now a firm with 50 architects. She was recently nominated for a national award for one of her restaurant designs. She is an extremely talented creative thinker. She mentioned that creative and fun were […]


How To Innovate In Business


Innovation is a restless pursuit to always be better. How to Innovate in Business Hone in on the Problem Innovation flourishes best when you look to solve a problem. You should always go into business with the aim of creating a product or service that improves people’s lives. Surround yourself with passionate people Those passionate enough […]


3 Ways to Test Your Startup Idea Before Investing Money

As an entrepreneur, failure is part of the process. Not every business concept or product design will be a winner. The key is to spot the duds quickly, so you can focus your time and money on the ideas that have the most potential. But even though we’ve all heard the advice to “fail fast,” […]


Disruption Is About Experiences. They Just Happen To Be Enabled By Tech.


When I talk about disruptive businesses, I’m talking about companies that change and shift the innate processes and systems that we’re used to. Businesses that find a way to better solve individual and collective challenges and use tech layers to implement those solutions. You’ll find most of the Taxi companies who have tried to respond […]