Time Management in Business Environments

Time management art

It may seem wrong to dedicate precious time to learning about time management, instead of using it to get on with your work, but the benefits of managing time in business are enormous. What is Time Management? It refers to the way that you organize and plan how long you spend on specific activities. It […]


Work Transparency and Employee Accountability in a Business Environment

Work transparency

Transparency, as an element of organizational context, refers to the communication of strategy from management “downwards” through the organization, as well as communication or knowledge management “across” the organization. These two elements of work transparency, namely; <olstyle=”margin: 0 20px;”> Vertical Transparency HorizontalTransparency Vertical Transparency Vertical transparency refers to the transparent communication from management downwards through […]


Role of Leadership in Curbing Employee’s Stress.

Work stress

Employees stress is a growing concern for organizations today. Stress can be said to be the response of people to the unreasonable/ excessive pressure or demands placed on them. Employee stress occurs when the demands that are being placed upon a person tax exceed available resources as appraised by the individual involved. The workplace stands […]


SMES: Soaring Above Competitors in a Suffocating Environment

SME Image

The Nigerian economy experienced steady growth in the immediate past with the nominal gross domestic products (GDP) at 510 billion dollars in 2018. The economy at this level is large to attract potential investors. Though the largest in Africa, small medium enterprises have not kept pace with the rate of growth of the overall economy […]


How to Maximize Your Time as a Leader

image showing a leader and his followers

Time is the one constant we are all given. No one gets more or less of it than anyone else. As leaders, it’s how we spend our time — what we choose to prioritize, and what we choose not to do at all — that reveals what’s important to us, and determines our team’s outcomes. If we want to […]


Building for Scale in Business

Structuring a business for growth must be the number one priority of every leader. With this in mind, there are a few rules one can follow in building for scale from the moment they start their company. How to Build for Scale in Business Document Everything: Every data point is a learning opportunity that most […]