Work Transparency and Employee Accountability in a Business Environment
Transparency, as an element of organizational context, refers to the communication of strategy from management “downwards” through the organization, as well as communication or knowledge management “across” the organization. These two elements of work transparency, namely;
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- Vertical Transparency
- HorizontalTransparency
Vertical Transparency
Vertical transparency refers to the transparent communication from management downwards through the organization. Although all transparent communication is important, the communication of strategy is an especially important area. Scholars argue that organizations that communicate their strategy “downwards” through an organization in a transparent manner will perform better. Not only will employees understand the strategy of the organization and, as such, will pull in the same direction, but they will also feel safer and more included in the organization. This should lead to greater employee engagement. Berggren and Bernstein (2007) describe four levels of transparency. At the first level of transparency, an organization does not reveal its strategy to its own employees. This is often done to prevent competitors from obtaining key information from the organization’s employees. The second level of transparency relates to an ambiguous strategy where management does not share a clear view on the organization’s strategy. This is typical of organization’s that house a number of different business units. The third level of strategy refers to organization’s that have developed a clear strategy, but have not clearly communicated it through the organization. Finally, fourth and highest level of transparency relates to organizations that have a clear strategy and which communicate that strategy throughout the organization. The strategy is further translated into action through the setting of actionable goals, aligned to the strategy, for each employee. Transparency may also take place “upwards” in an organization. An example of such transparency is when employees are able to communicate their frustrations to their boss.
Horizontal Transparency
Horizontal transparency refers to a culture where employees are transparent with each other. A tangible example of horizontal transparency is knowledge management. Knowledge management refers to the sharing and storing of knowledge across an organization. Scholars argue that most knowledge management projects have one of three aims:
- To make knowledge visible;
- To build a knowledge infrastructure in terms of technical system and a web of connections among people and;
- To develop a knowledge-intensive culture by encouraging knowledge sharing, as opposed to hoarding, as well as promoting knowledge seeking.
It is this third aim of building a knowledge-intensive culture that is particularly relevant to authentic leadership and authentic followership. A culture whereby knowledge is shared and sought is one that leads to authenticity. The sharing of knowledge without fear should enable employees to feel safer to be themselves. The seeking of knowledge should be related to greater general awareness and self-awareness, which is a key component of authenticity.
Therefore, an organization that pursues work transparency has laid down plans for employee accountability. Work transparency ensures that employees are accountable for their actions and they don’t get to blame others for the consequences of their actions. Employees attempt to understand their environment and if the organization lacks transparency, employees are left to make their own conclusion and they may choose to believe the worst of a particular situation. Organizations these days do not make their goals and objectives transparent or clear enough and most times employees of organizations have problems seeing the organization for what it stands for. Organizational policies are sometimes not understandable and plain enough and this makes responsibility of actions on the part of employees become a problem. Though the need and benefit of employee accountability is crystal clear, many firms find themselves fighting to build a strong corporate culture around it.
If employees are expected to maintain accountability, they need to have a solid understanding of what is expected of them from their first day of employment. Firms must provide written policies for workforce and career development, specific job requirements, organizational regulations governing promotion and advancement and clear expectations for employee behaviour and performance. To promote accountability in the workplace, organizations should follow up with guidance and feedback, reward outstanding work, establish minimum standards for performance and penalize employees that work below standards. When organizations use accountability only as a big stick for punishing employees, fear and anxiety permeate the entire work environment. Employees will be afraid to try new methods or propose new ides because of the fear of failure. If accountability is approached correctly, it can produce positive, valuable results. The positive results of practicing a constructive approach to accountability include;
- Improved performance;
- Increased employee participation and involvement;
- Increased feelings of competency;
- Increased employee commitment to work;
- Increased creativity and innovation and;
- Higher employee morals and satisfaction with the work.
These positive results occur when employees view accountability as helpful and progressive methods of assigning and completing work. It also occur when employees don’t associate accountability only with negative consequences. If employees do not fear failure, if managers recognize employees for their accomplishments, and if managers support their employees when goals become difficult, employees are more likely to be creative, innovative and committed to their work.
Managers can practice accountability for positive results by following good performance management principles. They can use the organization’s performance appraisal programs to establish expectations in employee performance plans and use formal awards programs to recognize employees. However, merely following the minimum requirements of formal programs is not enough to create the positive environment necessary for constructive accountability. Managers also need to:
- Involve employees in setting clear, challenging yet attainable goals and objectives, and give them the authority to accomplish these goals;
- Coach employees when they request help and support employees in all aspects of the job;
- Provide the training and resources employees need to do the work;
- Recognize employees for good performance, both formally and informally.
If managers are going to hold employees accountable for results, they also need to recognize employees for their efforts. Overall, shifting to constructive accountability may require a cultural change but managers will find the results well with the effort.
In conclusion, managers need to build a transparent working environment that makes communication flow properly in the organization and also create room for employee accountability which would increase the overall performance of employees.
Denise Ho / January 30, 2020
this is awe!